Staying top of mind

We work with many different businesses and non-profits. Each is unique, yet they all have something in common. Every business needs to stay in touch with their customers, supporters, influencers, fans as well as the curious.

It is surprising how often that simple task – staying in touch – can become overwhelming, over-thought and under delivered. As business people we need to make it routine. So let’s simplify it and take action.

Here are 5 things you can do today to reach your audience:

  1. Share a post on Facebook from one of your customers.  Note, this implies that you are actively listening to your audience.
  2. Send an email campaign to your customers and simply thank them.
  3. Plan an event and invite your customers and ask them to invite a friend or two. It could be as simple as meet me for coffee or come to our after-hours-customer-only-celebration.
  4. Reward your customers with a special discount or exclusive access. Let them know about it by sending them an email and posting on social media.
  5. Share an interesting article or blog post about your industry, your community or your business.

So take a note from Adele and say, “Hello, it’s me” and see what happens.

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